
Friday, 23 March 2012

Den Building.

With spring well on it's way we have managed to build the most wonderful willow den. It great to have a creative experience working outside with natural materials. Now for those that are professional at this I know you may gasp at horror, but it's all ok! Yes I know that our willow den will not live and grow because it is under a tree but that isn't really the point for us. And I know that although I followed the instruction's on how to build a den generally I always think there is room for artistic interpretation.

All the same we had a wonderful time building, and now the smaller children will have there own special place in the garden. I will be sharing this on today's creative Friday over at


House of Pinheiro said...

Charlotte, love seeing part of your home life xx

Nina Fenner said...

on the contrary, willow tends to grow anywhere and become a complete jungle in no time...look out! It's great stuff to work with though, 'natural materials', willow, wool, clay, can't beat 'em.

charlotte said...

oh thanks Nina, all the info I got said that willow had to have palnty of light so under a tree and not so much space I thought it wouldnt grow. If it does thats a bonus. Thankyou for leaving a comment.